Enva is a leading provider of recycling and resource recovery solutions, with 33 locations across the UK & Ireland.

With sustainability at the forefront of our proposition, Enva recover a broad range of hazardous and non-hazardous waste materials for re-use in manufacturing and energy conversion. We also provide a complete portfolio of industrial, water and waste water services.

At Enva we are committed to recycling and resource recovery; it forms the basis of our business strategy and our values.

Garage Services
A complete solution for the collection of hazardous waste from garages and dealerships, car dismantlers, body shops, engineering, manufacturing and industrial companies. We offer a reliable, safe and compliant service, allowing you to focus on your core business.

We provide the appropriate bins and containers and, once collected, we track all waste to its final destination, ensuring 100% traceability at all times.

We also offer specialised cleaning and degreasing equipment to workshops and bodyshops. The equipment utilise high quality cleaning products to ensure that the user receives maximum performance and life of the cleaning fluid. Parts washers, brake and low level washers are supplied on either rental or outright purchase options. Spray gun cleaners are also available on a regular scheduled service basis, maintained on agreed cycles to guarantee performance of both the cleaner and your valuable spray equipment.

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