The piano wire tips used last up to 10 times longer than twisted tips. The range of precision circlip pliers from KNIPEX is large, because these pliers have proven themselves in the industry. Anyone who works a lot with tools every day wants to be able to rely on a quality that enables easy and safe work and lasts for many years of hard use. We forge our pliers from high-quality materials, machine them with high precision on modern machine tools, and harden them through careful heat treatment. Over 130 years of specialist know-how go into every KNIPEX pliers.
Working tips made of spring steel wire
The working tips used are made of highly compressed spring steel for long service life.
Falling out impossible
The working tips are positively inserted into the base tips by cold forming and pressing.
Screwed, play-free joint
The surfaces of the screwed, backlash-free joint are worked particularly carefully.
For more information on the KNIPEX Circlip Pliers range click below