When asked about the 16-hour trip he had made to Birmingham from Taiwan, Alfredo Hsu from King Tony Tools Ltd positively responded, ‘This is our first time in the UK for the exhibition and it’s totally related to our brand, we hope that we can find a new partner and potential business. In this event, it’s important for us to expand our market into Europe. And we would like to have a new agent or distributors, or even dealers and retailers in the UK so that we can sell our product directly to the UK users. For us, this is a special event and it’s pretty important for us which is why we flew for 16 hours to get here, eight hours from Taiwan to Dubai and another eight hours from Dubai to Birmingham to attend this important and special event here in the UK.’
He was then questioned on what directly allows Automechanika to grow his tools company. He stated confidently, ‘We have had a lot of good conversations with different businessmen along with all different kinds of representatives in different kinds of industries. So it’s quite successful for us right now. We would like to have a visit around this exhibition to get to know more companies who also produce tools and have stands so that we can know where can we improve or where our strengths and weaknesses are. We hope that we can find a new agent and new partners in the UK to expand our business in the UK. Based on our experience we will definitely come back and attend this event again.’